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Cat Care Tips - 10 Tips for Cat Lovers

By Kurt Schmitt

Given the differences between humans and felines, it's amazing that we get along the way we do. These cat care tips deal with subjects such as preventing litter box problems and letting your cat act on her instincts. Following these tips will help you and your kitty to better bond and enjoy your lives together.

1. Lay your hands on your cat often -- some cats just don't like to be picked up no matter what. But, if you can start handling your cat often when she's a kitten, chances are good she'll better accept it later in life. She'll also do better when it comes time to get checked by the vet or have her claws trimmed.

2. Give your kitty an exam -- weekly (or more often) grooming sessions can be used to examine your cat for health issues. Check your cat for ear mites, fleas, and signs of injury, swelling, or pain, swelling, or injury. Examine your cat's gums and teeth, eyes, ears, skin, and extremities for obvious problems.

3. Provide a window seat -- domestic cats love warmth so much that they've been known to singe their fur on hot stoves. Cats love to sunbathe, so set up a nice comfortable bed for your cat by a window so she can have her place in the sun.

4. Make kitty an indoor cat -- following the recommendation from every major cat care organization, keep your cat indoors for better health, safety and a much longer life. Cats can live out a healthy life indoors. They can get the level of exercise they need, and survey their territory from a nice spot in front of the window.

5. Your cat wants to hunt, so let her -- no, I'm not saying to let your cat hunt rats. Instead, bring out the hunting instincts in your cat by spreading some treats around the house. This will make feeding time a bit more fun. One of my cats likes it when you toss dry food bits and let her chase them down. Try it.

6. Provide enough litter boxes -- follow the one plus one rule - one box for each cat in the house plus one more. This ensures that there's a fresh, available box to use at any given time. Some cats don't like using a box that was recently used, even if they were the one to use it.

7. Clean the cat litter box twice a day -- clean the box twice a day and change the litter every few weeks, thoroughly scrubbing the box and disinfecting with bleach when you do. Keeping the box spotless will help prevent any possible cat litter box problems that might arise.

8. Play with your cat often -- dangle toys for your cat to play with, or have your cat teach you to play fetch. Chase your cat around the house whenever you can. Get your cat exercising every day and you'll help lower her risk of diabetes and other diseases. You might get some exercise out of it too.

9. Provide a variety of interesting cat toys -- always leave your cat's favorite toys accessible, but rotate the others to keep it interesting. You should not leave your cat unsupervised while playing with most toys, however, as injury can occur. Also, a shoe lace, belt, or rope, if used safely, can make a great interactive toy. Playing with toys provides exercise for your cat, and fun for both of you.

10. Get your cat a playmate -- every cat lover knows that two cats are better than one. When you can't pay attention to your cat, another cat in the house will. A second cat around the house will offer comfort, encourage exercise, and reduce boredom. Bored kitties are candidates for behavior problems, and are more likely to cause mischief.

Encouraging your cat to exercise will keep her in shape, and encouraging her instincts will make her a better adjusted family member. More touching will bring you closer and make your cat more social. Keeping your cat indoors will keep her safe. In addition, the cat care tips above concerning the litter box will save you some possible headache. Preventing boredom will keep her happy, and keep both of you out of trouble.

For at least 15 more practical []cat care tips see Kurt Schmitt's cat lovers website for details.

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